
The Fair Scoop

Jessie is a german shepherd that lives in Madison County, and her boy is a regular reporter who reports on the simple things of life for the Madisonville Meteor: his name is Russell, and he is ten years old .
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Museum musings: Local Females First

March is Women’s History Month, and I apologize. I’m late, but this is important to me. When I was in school, history books probably had 10- or 20-men’s names for every one woman’s name. In my opinion and for way too long, women were not considered to be capable of important jobs or recognition. However, it seems to me that we have almost always performed the most important work possible, that of raising the next generations! We’ve done that and much more!


FROM THE PRECINCT 1 DESK: I appreciate all the good input from those who were able to make the road meetings. As a reminder, anyone who can’t make them is more than welcome to call and talk with me or leave a voicemail with input at 936-241-6241.


LEAD STORY FAMILY VALUES Tony Toto and his wife, Frances, of Allentown, Pennsylvania, are celebrating 57 years of marriage, WFMZ-TV reported in a feel-good Valentine’s Day story. “We have been blessed that we had all these years,” Tony said, noting “that one time when we had a rough time.” Yeah, that was the time in 1983 when Frances hired teenaged hitmen five times to kill Tony.


I don’t want to lose focus on the greater obligation of the commissioners’ office to govern, but I know the roads are generally what we see first. I would like to give a couple of updates and express my appreciation for the way the community has continued to work with me in this area so far. Many people start their conversation off with something similar to “I don’t want to be a bother but” or “I’m sorry to bring this up but” … Part of my job is managing our roads and I need to be informed about conditions as they come up. I don’t mind being reminded occasionally of things needing to be addressed because this helps me update prioritize my work as conditions change. I purchased a more efficient vehicle to be on the roads more. Since December 2, I have already put over 8,000 miles on this vehicle so far. Good road design takes time, organization, and effort. I have found that the best time to look at the roads is after dark during a heavy rain. If you see a blue Bronco Sport driving slowly down your road or backing up around midnight, please don’t shoot lol, it’s probably just me. I also understand the real concern that our “gravel road” design is rough on vehicles as I have already had over $1,000 in repairs to my new vehicle, directly resulting from county roads. I agree we need to move to a better road design. I am developing a plan to fix this.