December 2021

Winter Holiday Hash

Maybe you’ve heard what often happens with the best of plans. I intended for this last Musings for 2021 to include folks’ memories from past New Years Days or Eves. Few were inspired to share, and then I received a good late Christmas holiday post. When I don’t have quite enough roast left over for a meal, I often turn it into hash, so that’s what I’m calling this piece, Madison County Winter Holiday Hash. It contains some memories plus some facts from the Historical Commission’s two volumes of local history.
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Scout’s Honor

Madisonville’s Girl Scout Troop #9504 did their part in spreading holiday cheer this week by delivering boxes of goods to local nursing homes, which included socks, word searches, cross word puzzles, candy, pens and pencils and lotions. Pictured are Brownie, Peyton Holub with Paula Jeffrey of Texas Loving Care Senior Living, LLC; Cameron Shadix and Cadette, Autumn Smith posing with Madisonville Care Center employee Amber Leitner; and Cadettes, Madi McClure and Emily Fetty, along with co-leader Penny Fetty, delivering items for Adar Healthcare & Wellness Center. COURTESY PHOTOS